Le Brothers & Snežana Golubović
Videos 60 channels Video
Dura:on: 12:00 minutes
Date of produc:on: 2018
Three artists, minute in comparison to the size of the earth - three grains of sand, that in a moment coincidentally land together on a beach from different oceans. In each second, they touch and are separated and blown by the wind. We dedicate ourselves and constantly contemplate how we can connect ourselves and other artists in the whole world in order to develop our potential as a transforming power.
Politics and politicians and further technological progress can no longer save the world. They have lost all control and are marching blindly towards profit - regardless of what that may mean for people, nature, or the damage that it may cause! Only art, the artists and a large heart can improve the world. The first step is to connect the histories, philosophies, religions and cultures of the east and west. With this step, we are discovering and exploring the world in which we live. And even when we see modern media as an important possibility for this exchange, - our sole language and our only "weapons" are photography, video, performance, theater, installations, music, dance...... and our hearts!
In a world in which the internet connects people, artificial beauty prevails as the ideal of beauty and financial greed and prestige stand as success. A world where hate and fear for what is unfamiliar or unknown is widespread and nature is mercilessly exploited and destroyed. This is a world where the new generation lives mostly (if not entirely) in a virtual world. In this world we are searching for what gave us life and our first breath, where do we come from, what actually are we, what feeds us, what inspires us, what moves us with power and beauty, what do we love, what do we yearn for, what do we save and want to keep and what so deeply connects us - until our last breath - NATURA.
Photo: Seweryn Zelazny